Dirty Little Secret #5

Posted April 19, 2012 by Stephanie in Dirty Little Secret, memes / 9 Comments

Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by  Under the Covers. Every Thursday we get to know other bloggers and readers more intimately by asking them a question hoping to reveal their dirty little secrets.

Question of the week:

If you could visit any country with a fictional character as your guide, who would you pick and why?

This is is an easy one. Because I’m so obsessed with Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series I’d pick Ireland (Dublin) with Barrons but honestly he scares me a little bit so I’ll pick Mac instead. Would be awesome to hang out with her and I might see Barrons anyway in Barrons Books and Baubles. β™₯

9 responses to “Dirty Little Secret #5

  1. Best answer ever !! I think I'd have picked the same .. I'm actually going to Dublin to study at Trinity College for a year as an Erasmus student, starting in September and I absolutely can't wait !! I'm planning to re-read the Fever series this summer πŸ™‚

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