Cover Crazy is a weekly meme that features book covers.
The point of this meme is to admire the art and beauty of a book’s design.
How gorgeous is this cover? I just love everything about it. I have nothing negative t say about it. I love how the vines tangle with her hair and how her hair falls before her eye. I just adore the red, green and blue colors. And I love the way Splintered is written, all swirls and everything. You can tell by this cover it’s a retelling of Alice in wonderland. I also like all the bugs on the covers also fitting with the story.
I picked Splintered this week because I won an arc that I will receive as soon as the author has the arcs so I’m really excited about it.
I completely love this cover <3 <3 It's so beautiful <3
That really is a beauty of a cover! I think I'm going to go and read about it now 🙂