Review: Destined by Aprilynne Pike

Posted August 9, 2012 by Stephanie in 5 Star Review, Aprilynne Pike, Destined, Review, Reviewed in 2012, Wings, Young Adult / 1 Comment

Title: Destined
Author: Aprilynne Pike
Series: Wings #4
Publication: April 26th 2012 by HarperCollins Children’s Books
Genre: Young Adult ~ Paranormal
Format: Paperback, 364 pages
Cover Rating: 5/5
Content Rating: 5/5
First line: Tamani pressed his forehead against the chilly windowpane, fighting back a wave of exhaustion.


Tamani looked at her gravely, and reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear.

He hesitated for an instant, then his hands found the sides of her face, pulling her to him. He didn’t kiss her, just held her face close to his, their foreheads resting together, their noses almost touching.

She hated how much it felt like good-bye.

Laurel now knows the truth: Yuki is a rare Winter faerie, the most powerful–and deadly–of all, and Klea plans to use her to help conquer and destroy Avalon. But Klea’s reach extends far beyond one wild Winter faerie. With Tamani, David, and Chelsea by her side, Laurel prepares to face what may be Avalon’s final days, in the stunning conclusion to the Wings series.

My thoughts (Spoiler alert!)
Destined by Aprilynne Pike is the 4th and final book in the Wings saga. This epical conclusing of one of my favorite faerie series was just perfect. I’ve been a fan of these books right from the beginning. It actually was one of the first book series I really loved when I started getting back into reading about 2-3 years ago so it’ll always have a special place in my heart.

I loved that the book started right off where they left of with the previous books, Wild (or Illusions). So no waiting or catching up if other things happened in between. As always Tamani was the perfect hero. I love how protective he is over Laurel and his all around awesomeness. ♥

Laurel, our main characters does seemed to have been growing up a lot from the beginning. I could definitely tell that she was more mature and of course her obvious love for Tamani. Yes, David never stood a chance, poor guy. I’m glad she made a right choice. All through the book there was lots of action and battles, which I loved! Never a dull moment there. I was never a big fan of David because I loved Tamani so much but this book definitely put him in the spotlight! And now I can say a part of me does love him even with his “alternate” ending.

A lot of faeries died. I could’ve lived with that because the battles were very rough but why did Shar have to die before? I loved him so much. He was one of my favorite characters. I knew someone of the more main characters was gonna die and some part of me knew it would be Shar but I never wanted to believe it. WHY? 🙁   
About David’s alternate ending: I don’t know how I feel about it. I mean, it’s 15 years later and still he hadn’t been able to let go of Avalon and everything that happened. So he asked Laurel to make a memory elixir to forget it all and maybe even Laurel. It’s so damn sad but yes, maybe the best for him. I wish he had ended up with Chelsea for good but maybe that would be an ending too perfect after all. So yes, I don’t really know how I feel about it. On the one hand I feel like it’s right for him but on the other hand I’m very sad about it. It sure was bittersweet as Aprilynne Pike warned us.

Other than that I thoroughly enjoyed Destined. It was a perfect ending to a perfect magical series. And I sure will miss all the characters. Especially Tamani. But one thing’s for sure I can’t wait to see what other writing Aprilynne has in store for us all. 


“I’m begging you, to come be with me.” And she pressed her mouth against his and murmured against his lips. “Forever.”
For a few seconds he didn’t respond.
Then a groan escaped his throat and he thrust his fingers in her hair, pulling her mouth back to his with a fierce hunger.
“Kiss me,” she whispered. “And don’t stop.”

“I’ve loved you for a long time, ‘ she said. ‘But there was always something holding me back. Maybe it was that I was afraid of an emotion that was so consuming. It still frightens me,’ she admitted in a whisper.
Tamani chuckled. ‘If it makes you feel any better, it scares the daylights out of me on a regular basis.”

“I think I could have won state today. Apparently, you put a troll on my heels and I turn into a superstar.”

“Anyone can pluck a flower…true strength is knowing how to give it life.”

About the author:

Author PhotoCritically acclaimed, #1 New York Times best-selling author Aprilynne Pike has been spinning tales since she was a child with a hyper-active imagination. At the age of twenty she received her BA in Creative Writing from Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston, Idaho. When not writing, Aprilynne can usually be found out running; she also enjoys singing, acting, reading, and working with pregnant moms as a childbirth educator and doula. Aprilynne lives in Arizona with her husband and four kids; she is enjoying the sunshine.
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