The blood drained from Svala’s face. “You think Viggo…?”
Alrik placed his hand on her arm. “I know he hasn’t yet, but I’ve heard things, and it’s in their plan.
-page 9, Döckálfar by Saga Berg
The third part of Nordic Fairies, Döckálfar, continues where the second part, Freja, left off. Alrik comes to visit Svala and warns her about the dangerous path Viggo is on, infiltrating himself with the Döckálfar. We learn what happened to Viggo during World War II and get more information about his relationship with Amanda Jones. Viggo also contacts Svala with some unexpected news and insist they meet up. Svala then receives some more unexpected information about Amanda and Viggo, leaving her unsure about who she can trust.
Part three in the Nordic Fairies series is filled with shocking discoveries, secrecy and some jealousy.
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• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
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