Feature & Follow #24

Posted March 8, 2013 by Stephanie in Feature and Follow / 16 Comments

Feature & Follow is a weekly meme hosted on friday by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read to gain new followers and make new friends!

You can follow me through GFC, Networked Blogs, Linky or e-mail. Just let me know if you did and I’ll follow you back!

This week’s question:

What is a book you didn’t like that all your friends raved about or what book did you love that wasn’t popular?

Sweet Evil I didn’t like at all. It was quite a surprise because I knew a lot of people who loved it but to me it just fell flat. Too bad because I did like the world of this book a lot and the cover is gorgeous but everything else was a bust.
But I might try Sweet Peril just to see if there’s any improvement. 
And then there’s Shiver that I also didn’t like at all. I can’t even make myself read the second book. I tried but frankly I just think these books are kind of boring.
Very sad since I love werewolves so much.

16 responses to “Feature & Follow #24

  1. Aw, I thought Sweet Evil was a good read. I agree with Shiver, though. Maggie Stiefvater's books and I don't mix. >.<

    Thanks for sharing!
    My FF

    New follower via GFC! 😀 (and I love Warner too. HAHA, that's a huge button)

  2. Anonymous

    I haven't read either – and up until now haven't heard of them!

    I am a new follower! Like the blog 🙂

  3. There is indeed a lot of good comments about Sweet Evil, but never really cared to look into it myself. Perhaps I should so I can form my own opinion 🙂

    Thanks for sharing! I am now also following you 🙂

    Florentine @ Readiculously Peachy

  4. I loved Sweet Evil and I can't wait to read the next one!

    But I'm with you on Shiver. I barely made it through the first and I never read the other two. I thought they were beyond boring!
    New follower
    My F&F

  5. I haven't read either of these. I considered the Shiver books initially but for some reason I just was not attracted to them – glad I trusted my gut then 😉 Thanks for sharing girl!

    PS- just wanted to let you know I added your blog button to my new blogroll 🙂

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