So… it’s finally july which means summer has really started!
To celebrate this I’m hosting a new giveaway so here it is. ^_^
I hope everyone enjoys their summer and good luck!
What can you win?
One book from The Book Depository or an ebook from Amazon of your choice up to €12!
Here are some awesome upcoming summer releases you could pick!
(These are only suggestions, you don’t have to choose out of these six.)
Frigid (Frigid #1) by J. Lynn
Earthbound (Earthbound #1) by Aprilynne Pike
Origin (Lux #4) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Death Takes a Holiday (A F.R.EA.K.S. Squad Investigation #3) by Jennifer Harlow
The Liberator (Dante Walker #2) by Victoria Scott
The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White
Open internationally as long as you can receive books from The Book Depository or ebooks from Amazon!
Lucky! For me, school just started so I'll be cutting down on reading for the rest of the year. I only have "Mila 2.0" on my list to finish reading.
This summer will be short, as I have some studying to do *pout* I'd choose The Chaos of Stars. Recommendations…hmmm. A book that I liked a lot recently is Nantucket Blue by Leila Howland. YA, but it's very good in my opinion 😀
This summer I'm reading. And reading. And reading some more 😀 I'd pick Frigid. Dying to read this one. Thank you for the chance to win! Have a great summer.
I still have studying to do but this summer I'll be reading a lot. Oh and try to go at least some days to the beach.
Of your suggestions, I would pick Frigid! I loved Wait for You,so I know I'll love everything she writes 😀
Thank you for such a great giveaway!
I might choose Crown of Midnight if you allow pre-orders 🙂
Really looking forward to that book!
I shall be reading out in the summer sun 😀
I think I would choose The Chaos of Stars…maybe
….I can't think of any recommendations right now 🙁 I actually haven't been able to read much lately…
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
I plan on reading all summer if I can get away with it and I would pick Origin because that cover is hot! You should definitely read Hemlock by Kathleen Peacock. Thanks for the giveaway!
Right! I've been wanting to read Hemlock for so long. 😀
My summer is gonna be read read read!
and I want the next fever book! Faefever ^^
Can't wait for Frigid and Origin to come out ! 😀
Still think you should read spooks by Joseph Delaney 😛
I guess I really need to read that one, huh? 😀
I don't really have any plans for the summer other than reading a bunch If I win, I think I'll get Venom by Fiona Paul. As or book recommendations, definitely the Gemma Doyle series by Libba Bray.
This summer I plan on reading as much as I can and also move to a new house next to the University I'll be studying in. Going to the beach with my friends and also sleep. A lot. 🙂
I don't really know which book I'd choose if I won.
And as for book recommendations, I really like authors Juliet Marillier and Aprilynne Pike so any book by them 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
I only have about a month of my summer left until school starts again so I plan on reading as much as I can before then. I would pick the Chaos of Stars if I win. Thanks for the Giveaway. 🙂
im working… no vacations just got back…
i cant wait for frigid!!!
Our family is doing a lot of swimming and visiting friends this summer..but no vacation for us. I have to get two kids off to college in the fall and three others left at home.
I've just started reading Kim Law's Ex on the Beach…so far, so good!! Check it out!
I might pick a book in the Kate Daniels series.
I would recommend Etiquette and Espionage by Gail Carriger.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have no set plans for this summer, except for moving and mostly hanging out by the pool, I would pick The Chaos of Stars, and if you haven't read Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo yet I recommend it and I'm currently reading Ink by Amanda Sun which is really good! Thank you for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway! I like to read on the beach and I would pick a book from my wish list like Splintered. A book I can recommend is Die For Me by Amy Plum. <3
-Cali W.
I have been wanting Splintered or Origin so I'd probably choose one of those. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd choose Champion by Marie Lu! I'll just be reading this whole summer, and maybe going to the beach every once in a while. I recommened Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover! I just finished it and it was absolutely amazing! Hopeless is incredible too 🙂
If i'm student, i will celebrate the summer -_-
work and work. but i always bring a book. if i have a free time, i will read. i work in the night too. and a really have a long time for read.
Cover of Death Takes a Holiday remind me of my birthday though i didn't celebrate Christmas Day…. i was born i December 25 😀 #ihopeyougivemeagiftonmybitrhday :p
if you want to give me a book above, i wanna chose The Chaos of Stars 😀
I'm going to read a book during my free time because I have classes. I'd love to win Anna and the French Kiss. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! 😀
I really love the Lux series, so it would have to be Origin for me!
I will basically sleep and read! And i'm not sure what I would pick just yet! 🙂
I will be reading and sleeping and I must say am doing great 😉 I think I'd pick Earthbound, loved Aprilynne Pike's Wing series and I'd recommend the series In The company of Shadows by Sonny & Ais. They are free books in Goodreads. Definitely worth a read.
Reading and same old
Well your summer, is my winter! I come from the land down under (Australia). So, this winter, i plan on studying my butt off! Especially maths *shudders*. I HATE maths! But yeah, between my studying i want to 1) Read. Read. READ! I have a list of books I want to get through: Origin, Champion, The Liberator, Frigid, Hopeless, Dare You to, the Drakest Minds…the list goes on! So i'd probably choose one of those if i won *fingers crossed* I'm literally DYING to read Fiery Heart, but that comes out much later in the year 🙁 2) I want to catch up on all my tv shows. I legit haven't had enough time to just sit and watch tv. I still haven't seen the season finale of Vampire Diaries! So, i plan on catching up on Supernatural, Vampire Diaries and Arrow 😀 You should definitely read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green if you haven't already! This book is literature at its finest! Honestly, hands down one of the most AMAZINGINCREDIBLEFANTASTICAWESOME books i've ever read in my lifetime! Read it…like now! 😀 Thanks for the giveaway!
No big plans this summer, just reading as much as I can!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I have to work, but I'm planning on going to the beach for a few days.
DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY looks like a lot of fun.
Not any big plans this summer, really. Hanging out with my family, reading as much as absolutely possible! Going to Carowinds (an amusement park) with my hubby and some friends. Maybe a surprise getaway. My 31st birthday at the end of the month! As far as the book choice, I honestly don't know just yet. There are so many books that I would love to have! And rec's- Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan, Amber House by Kelly Moore, Bite Me! and Love Sucks! by Melissa Francis, Belles series by Jen Calonita, The Immortal Empire series by Kate Locke (Warning about this one, there is language and sexual talk, so stay away if you don't like that stuff) and to throw in some Indie Love, The Peachville High Demons series by Sarra Cannon. I could go on and on and on….. and on, but I won't overwhelm you!
I'm going to Disneyland 😀 I would love to get a copy of City of Lost souls by Cassandra Clare. I recommend The Seven Realms Series by Cinda Williams Chima. A GREAT fantasy series 😀
You're so lucky! I haven't been to Disneyland since I was 5! I'd love to go again.
Thanks for the recommendation!
If the weather is fine leisure time will will be spent in the garden – weeding and reading. If the weather is as predicted I'll be reading curled up on the sofa either alone or with baby Matilda. What I'm reading will depend on Matilda – The Ugly Duckling still brings a tear to my eye though. My favourite book recently isn't fiction – except in part where some facts are hard to find – it is "Shakespeare" by Bill Bryson. It brings sixteenth century London to life!
Hmm Summer will involve the beach, canoeing, river-tubing, hopefully tons of reading time & a few unexpected adventures 😀 As for the books, I'd probably go with Earthbound or Chaos of Stars…or something from my wishlist hehe! For rec's, if you like adult high-fantasy then I'd go with Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson or the Daughter of Smoke & Bone series – if you haven't already read both that is >.< Thanks for the awesome giveaway & chance to win!!
What do you THINK I'm going to do this summer, Steph??? Write my asscheeks off, that's what! But I am going to visit Georgia at the end of August. I hope to be done with the Mortal Instruments so I can start the Infernal Devices. I'm late, but who cares. Recommendations? Have you read "Real" by Katy Evans? If not, Steph, you REALLY should get on that.
I'm doing a lot of babysitting. 😀 Then it's my b-day in July so there's that but other than that I catching up a whole bunch of reading in the sun. I actually really would like to have The Chaos of Stars. I'm a big fan of Kiersten White. As for book recommendations, have you read Crash by Lisa McMann? Love her books they're really short but really good. 😀
This summer = pool time & reading! A book I just read and LOVED was Ghost Hand by Ripley Patton!
Jess @
I am going to read like I always do. I would choose Fallen Too Far by Abbi Glines & I recommend Real by Katy Evans.
It's rained most of the summer so far but we did get to go swimming once and saw the fireworks. Mostly I'll just be reading and writing.
I might pick Origin. Don't believe I will be doing much this summer, but I would really like to go to the beach.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Very likely to pick Origin!! I would totally love to read that…
Thank you for this giveaway 🙂
I will stay at home and read. The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White looks amazing.
Thank you for the giveaway!
Nothing, Earthbound, The Fifth Wave
I'm not really doing much this summer except staying at the beach. So I think I'd probably just stick to a more beachy light read, like a Sarah Dessen novel…
I would choose The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White
This summer I am eagerly anticipating the mortal instruments movie and I intend to read all books by Jennifer Armentrout (since I only just started reading her books, like, now!)
I would like to win Origin or The Chaos of Stars and in terms of book recommendations, I was hoping you would shed some pointers out to me!
Read a lot!! I'd love Crown of Midnight.
This summer i'll be studying or am studying for a exam i have to give in october:/ i'd probably want to win The Chaos of Stars.
The only book i can think of recommending is Strands Of Bronze and Gold
I would love to read Frigid or The Liberator!
This summer I'm going to be reading as much as possible! Also I want to bake and cook a ton of new recipes. I would probably choose The Chaos of Stars 🙂
mmm origin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by jennifer l .a … daemon i am waiting for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
almendra in the rafflecopter
This summer I'm going to be on a road trip and diving myself into as many books as I can.This is a great give-away and a great way to start the summer xoxo
Going to have lots of fun and mayhem this summer.
I would choos the book Frigid.
I would recommend you the book For Everly by Raine Thomas
I'd love to read Frigid.
I'm not very sure about my summer plans. Things just hop up when they do (: Book recommendations – The Vampire Stalker by Allison van Diepen or Dolphin Way: Rise of the Guardians by Mark Caney. Both were awesome!
Well I'm currently in the US on holiday, so yay! Went around both coasts, and now heading back home 🙂 I'd probably pick Earthbound by Aprilynne Pike 😀 Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
"The chaos of stars" (or) Lauren Kate's "Fallen in Love" would be great! This summer has been nice as here in the UK we have finally had some sunshine!! yay 🙂 on Friday (19th) it is my birthday, and i am hoping for books ~ of course.
Thank you for the amazing giveaway. x
I'm probably going to read loads of books and go to the beach. I would pick The Boyfriend App by Katie Sise.
If you haven't read Reason to Breathe Trilogy by Rebecca Donovan then you really should!
Thanks for the giveaway =)
I'll probably study my ass off and probably reading
This summer our family is busy packing stuffs in our home cause we're gonna move out soon to the new home by next year. So we're slowly packing up stuffs and i'm a bit sad to leave this home actually but well i'm still happy cause there are books that accompany me to escape from time to time. And by the way, i'm so thrilled to read Origin! can't wait for the release. Lux series is one of the most wanted read in my list this year 🙂
Thank you for the giveaway!
I will spend my summer studying and reading.
I would choose Frigid Frigid #1 by J. Lynn
Well, I don't have any holiday right now :/ And I would recommend GoT for you to read, but I think you've read it alrd :))
I am going to relax and do community service this summer…I would choose Frigid.I would recommend Princess in the Iron mask to you if you like contemporary romance…:)
This summer I'm going to read a lot for my exams! I would like to win Origin 'cause OMG I need to know what is going to happen to Daemon and Katy!
Thanks for the giveaway! I'm probably just going to try and catch up on my summer reading. I'd recommend Game Set Match as a light great summer read 🙂
This summer I am just hanging around with my kids and spending as much time in the pool as possible. Oh yea, and reading as much as possible too! I don't know what book I would choose yet, but I highly recommend In The After, it was so good! Thank you 🙂
Summer is a long way off. but i this winter I am reading Kiersten Whites Paranormalcy.. so I'd have to choose her next book
This summer, I will enter a few hundred giveaways. If I won, the book I'd choose to buy for under €12 would be: "How to Think Clearly: A Guide to Critical Thinking" by Doug Erlandson. I don't have any book recommendations right now.
I'm traveling a lot this summer! I'm not sure what I'd choose if I win, but right now I'm reading Brigid Kemmerer and really enjoying the books.
I love your blog! You have great taste in books:D
I have been working on knocking books off my TBR list and working an internship and counting down the days till August when I go on a two week vacation. I think I would choose the Liberator or Phoenix. I recommend Ink by Amanda Sun and the Avatar series by Tui Sutherland.
I have work for a few more days and then I'll tackle my TBR list!
I think I would choose Origin.
This summer I'm just reading!!!!!I think I'd choose Origin by Jennifer Armentrout or The Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead!!!
I'd recommend Bully by penelope Douglas…
This summer I plan on reading whatever I find at the library. I am waiting for so many books: The Collector, Origin, and Born of Illusion to name a few. I would recommend Golden by Jessi Kirby or anything by Libba Bray!
I'm on vacation for the rest of the summer, so I plan doing nothing:) I recommend The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin.
I'm not doing much – taking some classes & reading a lot 🙂 I'd pick Frigid or The Chaos of Stars. I recommend Ice by Sarah Beth Durst – it was so beautifully written & unexpectedly amazing!!
I'm going to read, read and read again. Frigid, Origin and Earthbound all look fabulous. Thanks a bunch for the giveaway!
I'm moving to New York this summer. I'd probably pick Earthbound. Sounds interesting. And not sure if you've read it but, Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. Thanks for the giveaway!
My husband and I are going to Ocean City, MD for our anniversary. If I bring a book it'll be something romantic.
plan to read more books
I plan to read mostly mangas this Summer. ☺
Crown of Midnight is my choice!! My recommendation is Sea of Tranquility and On Jellicoe Road. 🙂
I would choose Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout! :))
Thanks for the ahhh-mazing giveaway! ♥
Have you read Suzanne Collins' The Underland Chronicles? 😀
Thanks for a great giveaway. I have so many books to read over the summer and review on my blog but I'm really excited about Susan Ee's new one and the latest from Jon Steele and Neal Shusterman.
I've done lots of reading this summer and just trying to keep busy and enjoy the weather! I would definitely choose Origin! Some of my favorite series are Shatter Me, Sweet Evil and Angelfall. Thanks!
I'll be reading this summer because I know I'll be too busy during the schoolyear! I'll be reading LOTR & I would recommend Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin!
My only plans for this summer are to relax and soak up the sun! I would probably choose The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White or the new Neil Gaiman.
I'm visiting my boyfriend during the summer <3 and i recomend Shadow falls by C.C hunter
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This summer I plan to read more books, watch more movies and meet friends that I haven't seen for a while. The book that I will choose is Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. As for a recommendation: I just finished Ruby Red and it was great, especially if you like time travel novels.
This summer I'm going to read a lot of books, lie on the deckchair and meet friends. I'm currently reading Saphirblau, but it's a little bit boring.
I have so much on my TBR that I don't even know where to begin. But I plan on putting a dent in it this summer!
I'm working all summer: Boo! I took a mini vacation with my hubby for our anniversary up to the lake and have gone to some parties and have gone to a few movies. And reading, reading, reading. I don't know what book I'd chose. There are so many out that I want to read! Thanks for the chance to win!
I've got a beach trip coming soon 🙂 Can't wait 😀
As for the book, I would choose Frigid by J. Lynn.Love the cover:x
I would love Origin, or maybe the Collector because I still haven't read it!!
You need to read… hmmmm…. Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight. They are just amazing.
I've been hanging out doing NOTHING all summer but read and watch TV (the only perk to being a teacher). I've been reading Abbi Glines books.
I've been spending most of the summer at the beach re-reading the Harry Potter series!
I'd pick Frigid. 🙂
I'll be reading this summer and hanging out on the beach.
I just got back from Nashville! I'd want to read Monument 14: Sky on Fire by Emmy Laybourne!
It's not summer where I live…but when it is, I'd like to go to the beach. 😉 Beaches are awesome. I'd love to read The Liberator.
I'm going to spend the summer, reading. I'd love to read Earthbound. Book Recommendation The Beautiful Land By Adan Averill. Thanks for the giveaway. Viviana O.
I'll be reading as usual XD
Try to checkout Anna Karenina by leo tolstoy
I might choose a preorder of The Fiery Heart 🙂
As for my summer, it's pretty much over now (so sad!), but I had a great one, with a trip to DC/NYC and a trip to a beach house at Newport beach. So I can't complain much 😉
I will be reading all summer, haha 🙂 I would choose Allegiant by Veronica Roth 🙂 and I love all the Harry Potter books 🙂
I'm going to read as much as possible 😉 I have a couple of recommendations for you: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and Before I Go to Sleep by S J Watson 🙂
Ready PLayer One by Ernest Cline! I've heard amazing things about it!
I went to camp and a lot town in Texas! It was pretty fun! I would choose Origin or Earthbound. I'm terrible at decision making. I recommend Stolen by Lucy Christopher, The Duff by Kody Keplinger, Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. I'm trying to think of "light" reads.
Hello ! 🙂 I would love to win ORIGIN OR EARTHOUND. But I am dying to Have The Clockwork Prince Manga ! :)) It's my first time to try a giveaway so crossing my fingers on this ! THANK YOU SO MUCH !
For me, this summer is about ALL the books! Unfortunately we're not going on a holiday but that just means I can read even more! I've just finished the first two books in the Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo. Awesome! My favourites that I always recommend are Such Wicked Intent and This Dark Endeavor by Kenneth Oppel and The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shepherd. I'm excited for Megan Shepherd's follow up Her Dark Curiosity. I've won an ARC of that one and I can't wait for it to arrive! Happy reading!
This summer I am working my way through the many books in my to-read mountain and job hunting.
I would choose The Liberator.
My recommendations are Flight by Lindsay Leggett and Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I am planning to read a lot and as my cousin is getting married this month,I will be busy with preparations and shopping.
I'd choose Origin if I win.
I went vacation in India. I recommend Gone Girl for you
I want to Prague with my friends ,now I'm concetrating to spend more time with my family and friends -go out and have fun in the city and host pretty lovely foreigners and make conncetions 🙂
I'd like to choose The chaos of stars, please!
Thanks for sharing the summer fun. I would recommend Macrieve. I spent the summer reading. My favorite pasttime.
Summer? I have work and i love doing it. I recommend reading The Lumatere Chronicles. It's the real deal. So good it stays with you.
For this summer, I have some plans beside my college. I wanna be a writer, so I'll often spend time in this summer to write.
I recomended Charlie by Daniel Keyes 🙂
I would pick Origins! Didn't see Melina Marchetta books in your archive. Her fantasy series: Lumatere Chronicles and contemporaries: Jellicoe Road, Saving Francesca are really good! 🙂
I've just read Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews and I have to say that it is the awesomest summer read ever!! So I would recommend it to everybody for a summer read! 🙂
Im reading as much as possible this summer. Hopefully I will achieve lots!
ian l
Summer is almost gone,so now I am focused on reading a lot. I will probably choose Shadow and Bone or Venom.
This summer I discover several classic book adaptation on Youtube. After the rather successful Lizzie Bennet Diary, at least there are 2 more adaptation to watch for, The Autobiography of Jane Eyre (Jane eyre) and Nick Carraway Chronicles (The Great Gatsby).
The wait!
I just got back from my first family vacation in over 7 years. San Diego was lots of fun! Now it's back to school time for my kids and quite time for me! I'm looking for recommendations myself!
We decided to buy a house this summer so our summer has consisted of looking at houses, filling out all the paperwork and dealing with our bank and more paperwork and then on to packing and moving 🙂
Oh gosh there are too many books on my wishlist to just pick one like that. Anyway, I recommend Paradise by Judith McNaught and Steven Manchester books! Thanks for this
Well, in my country it's winter right now, so I'm at college.
But I'd like to recommend the book "Fall of Giants" by Ken Follet (it's a trilogy based on history events).
I haven't done much this summer just read and go to the movies. I recommend Heart of Obsidian by Singh.
I would love to recommend a book to you! Written in Red by Anne Bishop – an amazing new urban fantasy series. 🙂
Hey, thank you for the giveaway. 🙂 Well, this summer has literally gone by so fast… Now, I would choose "The Fashion Book". It's not a novel, but it's definitely on my list.
This Summer I've been reading a lot. My favorite books are the Too Far Series by Abbi Glines.
Thanks for the giveaway!!! 😀