Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge – Day 13: Share a Blogger Horror Story

Posted January 13, 2014 by Stephanie in Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge / 7 Comments

Hosted by Rachel @ ParaJunkee

This New Year’s Challenge sounds like a fun way to kick off the new year!

Share a Blogger Horror Story

I don’t really have a blogger horror story. Which is a good thing I guess.
I have heard some bad things from other bloggers though. There’s a lot of bullying from both bloggers and authors. I never had anything like this happen to me on my blog or Goodreads but that’s something I would never want to happen to me. And the thing is, I don’t want to be “afraid” that this will happen. It shouldn’t be happening at all to people. Especially not because you have an opinion about something.
Also another thing I don’t want happening to me is my blog disappearing. I’ve heard from other bloggers that this happened to them and I would have a heart attack if that would happen to my blog. Seriously.

How about you?
Do you have a blogger horror story to share?
Let me know!

7 responses to “Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge – Day 13: Share a Blogger Horror Story

  1. Same here. I'm relatively new to blogging (my page only dates back to Oct. 2012), and I've been fairly out of the swing of things until…well, now. I hope I will never get involved in drama, but of course, it's not so much about what we write, as it is about what the others read in it – or want to use it for. And one can't help being afraid. On the other hand…we have a life, and that kind of people, clearly, do not. So we win. Don't we?
    On a side note, I love your design. Red and black are my favourite colours :).

  2. Well I'm glad you don't have one. It's not pretty. I'm a victim of Blogger bullying. And my advice, is don't be afraid. don't give them the satisfaction. Stand up for yourself. It does blow over, and sometimes you have such an awesome blogging community and friends that will stand up for you! =)

    My "Blogger Horror Story" Post!

  3. I agree with ParaJunkie here, don't be worried or afraid, just take a good deep breath and even step away, talk to someone (parajunkie has been a good sounding board) then handle it with level head. Remember it is just opinions. I have only blocked one person from my blog, and it only came to that due to comments on every single post that were nasty nasty words. Which I don't use and won't allow to be used. Voice your opinion but no foul language. But there again that is me.

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