Best of the Bunch is a monthly meme hosted by Always Lost in Stories on the last day of every month. The aim of this meme is to share the best book that we have read in that month and give it our Best of the Bunch award.
Books read in February:
Charmed I’m Sure by Elliott James ~ 4 stars
Lover, Divine by A. Star ~ 5 stars ~ Review to come
Up from the Grave by Jeaniene Frost ~ 5 stars
Cress by Marissa Meyer ~ 5 stars ~ My Review
The Golden Apple by Michelle Diener ~ 4 stars ~ Review to come
And the Best of the Bunch winner of February 2014 is…
Girl in Love by Caisey Quinn
Up from the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
Lover, Divine by A. Star
Cress by Marissa Meyer
Sorry, couldn’t choose just one! These four were all fantastic! =D
I'm starting Lover, Divine soon – hope I enjoy it as much as you did!
It was amazing! =D
I loved Cress as well. I need to check out some of the others you enjoyed now!