Feature & Follow #64

Posted July 11, 2014 by Stephanie in Feature and Follow / 8 Comments

Feature & Follow is a weekly meme hosted on friday by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read to gain new followers and make new friends!

This week’s question:

If you had a time machine (i.e. a TARDIS), where would you go?

Oh, the possibilities! 

I’d definitely go to the past because it’s always been more interesting for me. Where would I go? Easy… Ancient Egypt of course! I’m not sure which period exactly in ancient Egyptian history, though. They’re all so intriguing!
After that I’d tackle ancient Rome and Greece. =)

How about you? 
Leave me links to your FF post!

8 responses to “Feature & Follow #64

  1. I never thought of answering that big, like going to ancient places and learn more of the old civilization. I preferred the small emotional thing. Find out more on my ff.

    Old follower here. 🙂

  2. I think I might never come back to the present, way to busy moving from one big era to the next and back! I'm an old GFC and Bloglovin' follower! Thanks for sharing 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend!
    My Friday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

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