Monday Madness: The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon

Posted May 30, 2016 by Stephanie in Monday Madness / 1 Comment

Monday Madness is a bookish meme hosted by Bookfever & Booklover’s Teaparty

You know that feeling when you feel like you are gonna go mad if you do not get a certain book right away, when you are obsessed and all you want is that one book and you will be happy? That is what Monday Madness is about. All those books you that drive you mad.

Pick a book. Talk about it- why do you want it? What has drawn you to it? Why is it making you mad with want for it?

The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon
Outlander #5
Published August 30th 2005 by Dell

The year is 1771, and war is coming. Jamie Fraser’s wife tells him so. Little as he wishes to, he must believe it, for hers is a gift of dreadful prophecy—a time-traveler’s certain knowledge. Claire’s unique view of the future has brought him both danger and deliverance in the past; her knowledge of the oncoming revolution is a flickering torch that may light his way through the perilous years ahead—or ignite a conflagration that will leave their lives in ashes.

I want this book because although I’ve only read the first two Outlander books and own the first four in a boxed set, I would love to have book #5 too. I love the books, I also love the tv series and I sure as hell love Jamie Fraser. Who wouldn’t love him?
And don’t forget to check out Christina’s post! ♥

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