Stacking The Shelves: June 11, 2016

Posted June 11, 2016 by Stephanie in Stacking The Shelves / 16 Comments

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted @ Tynga’s Reviews.

The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan
Tardis Funko ♥♥
Staedtler Triplus Fineliner

I’m soooo happy with these new goodies I got. I broke my book buying ban with purchasing The Hidden Oracle because I saw it at the bookstore and couldn’t resist. And when I saw the Tardis funko at a different store I also couldn’t resist because I’ve been itching to have it. And I also got some awesome new pens to use in the adult coloring books I have. 

For Review:
Wit in All Languages by Madeleine Robins
I just adore this new historical serial and Wit in All Languages was my favorite so far. I’m totally rooting for queen Catherine!

For Review:
Starscape by Ian Douglas
I haven’t read any books by this author yet but I’ve heard a lot of great things + it’s sci-fi, which I love!

For Review:
City of Shadows by Pippa DaCosta
I’m soooo excited to read City of Shadows. I can’t wait to find out if it’s as good as book #1.

For Review:
Mata Hari’s Last Dance by Michelle Moran
I gotta say I’m super excited about this one. I love historical fiction + it’s set in Paris 1917. This is going to be amazing, I think.

What books did you add to your shelves?
Leave me links to your hauls so I can stop by! 🙂

16 responses to “Stacking The Shelves: June 11, 2016

  1. I forgot to take my colouring books on holiday but I did manage to buy one while I was there. I really need to make time for things like this…Have a good book week!

  2. Anonymous

    I'm really curious about the Rick Riordan book after I read Magnus Chase last year! 😀 Happy reading!

  3. I love Rick Riordan! I almost bought The Trials Of Apollo, but I already bought too many books this week. I will need to get it from the library, instead. Have fun reading it.

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