Stacking The Shelves: October 22, 2016

Posted October 22, 2016 by Stephanie in Stacking The Shelves / 6 Comments

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted @ Tynga’s Reviews.

I haven’t been posting this week because tuesday morning I woke up very unexpectedly sick with the flu. I haven’t even read since I got sick. Ugh. I’m not a 100% well yet but I feel a lot better now. AND I received Iron Man: The Gauntlet by Eoin Colfer on thursday so that made things much better for me, even though I haven’t been able to start reading it yet. I’m hoping to maybe start it today. 

The Courier’s Tale by Peter Walker
Waterloo by Victor Hugo
Iron Man: The Gauntlet by Eoin Colfer

Gifted To Me:
Pucked Over by Helena Hunting
Gifted to me by Christina from Booklover’s Tea Party because she really wants me to read these books. Soooon… I hope.

Please leave me links to your book hauls so I can stop by! 🙂

6 responses to “Stacking The Shelves: October 22, 2016

  1. Ugh! Sorry to hear you haven't been well. You totally have my sympathy as some of these viral things and bugs can be really nasty. I'm glad you're on the mend and a nice booky purchase always helps to make you feel better!

  2. Personally, I find being sick is so inconvenient. 😀 I'm glad you're feeling better. The Courier's Tale by Peter Walker looks interesting…I'll have to visit GR to read its summary. Thanks for sharing.

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