Title: Yearn For Me
Author: A. Star
Series: The Djinn Order #3
Publication: September 20th 2016
Genre: Steampunk
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Rating: 4/5
One Djinn Lord found. Three more to go.When Glory finally learns the true purpose of the Djinn Order, she starts to question everything that has happened since she met her Djinn boyfriend, Irving. She hates that she no longer knows who to trust or what truths are actually lies. Nothing is as it seems.
After a visit with the divine Halo of Elders leads to more revelations about Rasputin’s war against the universe–and the future of her own relationship with Irving–Glory realizes that she, Irving and the rest of their save-the-day posse have no choice but to hunt down the rest of the Djinn Order and allow them to do what they were created to do.
But just as a solid plan is set, everything falls apart as Glory’s previous actions threaten to crumble the Amir dynasty and Irving unveils a damning discovery. But it’s what happened before, over a century ago, that truly endangers their mission. They demand to know the truth, but knowing isn’t always accepting. If they can embrace the ugly past, then they just might win the war. If they don’t…they die.
And destiny would love that.
I’m so glad I finally read the third Djinn Order book. It’s one of my favorite series because it has Djinn, steampunk and Glory is one of my favorite heroines ever.
First of all I want to say that I really liked Yearn For Me. But I felt like it missed something that the other two books did have. Even so I really did enjoy this book and as always flew through it in no time. It was also seriously funny!
The action started not long after the book started, which I loved. Reading about all the ass-kicking happening there was awesome. I especially liked Glory’s mom and aunt in this book because they kicked ass and they were hilarious in their interaction with each other and all the other characters.
Another new favorite character that got introduced in this book was Lord Mal. I don’t know what it says about me because he is really insane but I loved him. The scenes with him were actually kind of funny. And as always I adored all the Glory and Irving scenes. I just love the both of them.
I really like the storyline of this series. I never know what to expect next. I can guess of course but this author is so good at writing the opposite of what I think will happen, which makes the story even better of course. I love twists and turns in a book.
Overall, Yearn For Me was a really great and funny read. It made me laugh out loud a lot, the characters are still super badass and the story had its fair share of slightly shocking plot twists. By now I know to expect the unexpected with these books, especially the endings. I can’t wait for the next one!
A. Star is a fan of dirty passion. She loves to read it, and she damn sure loves to write it. She is the author of the Mythos: Gods & Lovers series, the Djinn Order series, and the Knights of the Joust series. She is a night-owl and a coffee junkie, and the only sneaker she would be caught dead wearing are Converses.
I've never heard of this series! It sounds right up my alley though so I'm headed to check out book 1 on Goodreads. Excellent review. 🙂
The books are really great! 🙂
<333 djinn!! I need to try these out!
The Djinn in this book are so awesome. Especially Irving! ♥
I haven't heard of this series before, but it sounds interesting! I'm glad you loved this book! Great review ^_^
Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles
I love that it dived pretty much straight into the action, so that we know the beginning isn't boring in the slightest! I also love the sound of it being about djinn because I haven't read too many books which include those, as well as steampunk. Brilliant review!
The steampunk aspect of it is so awesome. Especially this meganical little bat. Loooove!
Whaaaaattttt. I cannot believe I'd never seen this book or series or author before! I love steampunk, though I haven't read anything steampunk-y in a while. :/ And Djinn! Ahhh! This sounds wonderful. I'm glad you're enjoying the series, Stephanie!
Wonderful review. =)
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
You should definitely read this series, Alyssa!
Loving the villain is great – and Lord Mal even has the name to go with 🙂 I haven't read these Djinn books, but they definitely sound good, Stephanie!
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
I just laughed out loud remembering him. lol