6th Blogoversary! ?

Posted December 1, 2017 by Stephanie in Blogoversary / 22 Comments

Hi everyone! 

I can’t believe it’s been one month since I posted last. I never went this long without posting. I’m not back to blogging because I still don’t feel up for it. But… I really wanted to do a quick post today because it’s my 6th blogoversary today. I can’t quite believe it’s been six years since I created my blog and started doing this thing. I’ve met so many awesome people through blogging… fellow readers and bloggers, amazing authors, publishers. I’m super grateful to you all! ♥

Sadly enough I can’t do a giveaway right now but maybe once I’m back to feeling good and healthy I’ll do one to make up for lost time. 

And I also wanted to say that I miss everyone who has been commenting on my blog (you know who you are!) and I hope to chat with you all soon again. And as always you can always say hi to me on Twitter or Instagram.

22 responses to “6th Blogoversary! ?

  1. Solange

    Happy 6th blogoversary! It's horrible being ill, especially around Christmas time. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Belated congratulations to your Blogbirthday. Get well soon and take care of yourself and your family. Hope you can enjoy christmas at least a bit.

    Best wishes
    Vi @Inkvotary

  3. OMG, Stephanie!! Somehow I missed this post, and have just come across it!! From seeing your other posts, it looks like you're feeling much better, which I'm VERY happy about!! <3 <3 <3 🙂 🙂 🙂

    HAPPY (BELATED)BLOGOVERSARY!!!! CONGRATS!!! WOOT, WOOT!!! It SURE is WONDERFUL, isn't it, when you realize that you've actually been blogging for SIX years!!!

    CONGRATS again, and I hope and pray that you'll be feeling better and better EVERY day that goes by!!! HUGS!!!! <3 <3 <3 🙂 🙂 🙂

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