My Top 5 Favorite Podcasts: Part 2

Posted December 3, 2019 by Stephanie in Uncategorized / 7 Comments

As promised (not that anyone remembers lol) here is part two of my favorite podcasts. They’re arranged in no particular order and you can find all the podcasts on pretty much all platforms.
Voices for Justice
This is a true crime podcast that focuses on the case of Alissa Turney who went missing in 2001 when she was 17 years old. The podcast is hosted by her sister Sarah Turney. I’ve been following this case for a while now and it breaks my heart, honestly. I’m not totally caught up yet with the podcast but I’m working on it and so far it’s been really interesting. I would highly recommend you to read on on this case and of course listen to Sarah’s podcast.
This is another true crime podcast about a case I really care about. This case is about Christian Andreacchio who was found dead in his bathroom and after a investigation of only 45 minutes it was ruled a suicide. Everything about this case is so unjust but this podcast is topnotch. Definitely worth listening.
Crime After Crime
More true crime because why the hell not. This podcast is a little less heavy than the previous two if you’re more into that, with episodes like Sana Claus Crimes, Crazy Craigslist Crimes, World’s Worst Alibi, etc… It’s hosted by Danelle Hallan and John Lordan who are both true crime Youtubers with their own channels that I enjoy watching videos from. They post only once at the start of each month but their podcast is one of my absolute favorites. You can also watch the podcast on Youtube.
Ancient History Hound
This is a podcast I only recently started listening to but so far I’ve been loving it. The topics are my kind of thing (ancient history duh). The first episode was about bees in the ancient world and I thought right away how fascinating that was. I highly enjoyed that episode and all the others I’ve listened to so far. Very well done.
Next Door Villain
This podcast is hosted by Joe and Tiana where they talk about a different villain each episode. I really love this podcast and think it’s definitely the most underrated one I know. It’s not only interesting to hear the hosts talk about villains but also really fun. Some episodes include The Joker, The Wicked Witch of the West, Cersei Lannister and Don Draper (there’s more though!). Once again very highly recommended!

Don’t forget to check out the other parts of my favorite podcasts if you haven’t yet:

Part 1



7 responses to “My Top 5 Favorite Podcasts: Part 2

  1. Give me all the true goodness recs! I find myself jumping from podcast to podcast, unable to settle on any. I know the last one I enjoyed was one Michael Connelly did, which was interesting, though it took me some time to get in to.

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