Review: Impression by Charnjit Gill

Posted March 12, 2021 by Stephanie in Poetry, Reviews / 10 Comments

Title: Impression
Author: Charnjit Gill
Publication: December 1st 2020 by Atmosphere Press
Genre: Poetry
Find it on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository
Rating: 4/5

This debut collection of mystical minimalism poetry focuses on our faith, relationships, and our sense of self. It engages you on an enriching journey, making observations that reveal the depth of what appears to be on the surface. It’s about the things you learn from the tiniest of moments that happen daily where you find strength. It’s a healing process where the transformation lies in the emotional vulnerability. It celebrates hope gracefully, where the truth behind our innermost thoughts are treated with tenderness and compassion.

The collections offers clarity on some of the mysteries in life in a poignant way so that you feel comforted and empowered. The poems are relatable and resonate in a heartfelt way with the simple message: be optimistic about the future.

Impression gives an aesthetic experience: enlightening the mind, enhancing the imagination, and compelling the heart to be curious. The insights and inspirations are sensuous and soulful. Read it slowly and immerse yourself.

I had a feeling that I would enjoy Charnjit Gill debut poetry collection and I’m glad that I was right about that. The poems in this collection were beautifully minimalistic and split into three sections: our faith, our relationships and ourselves. It’s a book that can easily be read in one sitting and that’s exactly what I did. Once you start reading the poems you simply can’t stop. At least that was my experience with it.

The poems I liked the most in this collection are:

Love The Sinner, Hate The Sin

But my favorite poem was Stop. This was a very powerful and timely poem that really resonated with me in today’s world. Here’s a little fragment from it:

Stop telling women they are broken

Stop telling us that we need to look for another half

a better half

Stop telling us that we’re whole
We know

If we are broken
it’s because of the men that have broken us


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