4 Classics I Could Reread Over and Over Again

Posted August 24, 2023 by Stephanie in Uncategorized / 7 Comments

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Hi everyone!

Today I’m here with four classics that I could read over and over again. I would also love to know if you’ve read them too and if they’re favorite of yours as well. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments!


The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe

This has always been my favorite story from Poe. There’s just something about it that always draws me in. The creepy and dark  atmosphere, the writing. And yes I can’t wait to read the upcoming Netflix adaptation!

The Odyssey by Homer

This one shouldn’t come as a surprise to most people, I think. I love The Iliad too but I just enjoy The Odyssey a tad more. I’ve read it countless of times and would read it countless more.


The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

I can’t help but buy every editon of this book that I can find. I’ve got at least 5 or 6 different ones at this point and I don’t plan on stopping. I would also highly recommend the audiobook narrated by Ben Barnes. It’s so good!

A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare

Out of all of Shakespeare’s plays this one is my favorite (along with As You Like It). It’s hilarious, the writing is really good and I could read it over and over again. I’m really a sucker for his comedies.



7 responses to “4 Classics I Could Reread Over and Over Again

  1. verushka

    I think a Midsummer night’s dream is the only one of shakepeare’s play I could stand to read again too bc it’s wonderfully hilarious!

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