Best of 2023: Favorite New-To-Me Authors

Posted December 27, 2023 by Stephanie in best of, best of 2023, end of year lists, top ten lists / 4 Comments

For the last week of 2023 I’ll be sharing some lists of my favorite books of the year and today I’m posting my favorite new-to-me authors.



Favorite New-To-Me Authors


Tessa Bailey


Anya Bergman


Honor Cargill-Martin


Pam Godwin


Emilia Hart


S.T. Gibson


Sophie Keetch


Sabrina Imbler


Kate Alice Marshall


Michael Pye



What are some of your new favorite authors of the year?



4 responses to “Best of 2023: Favorite New-To-Me Authors

  1. I read two books that rose above everything else in 2023, and these two authors I would day, goes into a list of favourite authors. That is Florian Illies, with his nonfiction, history of Liebe in Zeiten des Hasses/Love in a Time of Hate. Best book of the year. Another one that was recommended on several book blogs were The Memory Keeper’s Daughter by Kim Edwards. Wonderful story.

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