Nonfiction November 2024: Choosing Nonfiction #NonfictionNovember

Posted November 4, 2024 by Stephanie in Nonfiction, nonfiction november, nonfiction november 2024 / 21 Comments

Nonfiction November is hosted by She Seeks NonfictionVolatile RuneBased on a True StoryReaderbuzz and Adventures in Reading, Running and Working from Home

Week 2 is hosted by Frances @ Volatile Rune: check out here post here!


Choosing Nonfiction

What are you looking for when you pick up a nonfiction book? Do you have a particular topic you’re attracted to? Do you have a particular writing style that works best? When you look at a nonfiction book, does the title or cover influence you? If so, share a title or cover which you find striking. (Frances)



People who know me even a little bit known I’m a big ancient history girlie but I do also enjoy other types of history which I will post about below in addition to ancient history.



The First Fossil Hunters by Adrienne Mayor
Early Humans by Suzanne Pilaar Birch
They Were Here Before Us by Ran Barkai & Eyal Halfon


Ancient History

The Celts by Alice Roberts
In the Shadow of Vesuvius by Daisy Dunn
The War That Made the Roman Empire by Barry Strauss



The Edge of the World by Michael Pye Powerful
Women of the Medieval World by Dorsey Armstrong
The Templars by Dan Jones




10 Women Who Ruled the Renaissance by Joyce Salisbury
Leonardo Da Vinci by Hourly History
Galileo Galilei by Hourly History


World War 1 – 2

Mata Hari by Hourly History
How Languages Saved Me by Tadeusz Haska & Stefanie Naumann
From The Children’s Home to the Gas Chamber by Reinier Heinsman



Antigone Rising by Helen Morales
Women in Power by Stephanie McCarter
Women of Myth by Jenny Williamson & Gen McMenemy



Tames by Alice Roberts
The Real History of Dracula by Sara Cleto & Brittany Warman
Unquiet Women by Max Adams



Which of these books would you want to read?



21 responses to “Nonfiction November 2024: Choosing Nonfiction #NonfictionNovember

    • I rare read memoirs, although last year I read 3 I think! And I do love reading about science as well. Maybe you can start with one every few months or something? 🙂

  1. I’m intrigued by The First Fossil Hunters because, when I think about it, why do we believe that it took until the 19th century to “discover” fossils? I’m putting The Templars on my list because I liked Dan Jones as the presenter of Secrets of Great British Castles, but didn’t realize that he wrote books, too.

    • Yes, for example the ancient Greeks came across fossils too but related mythological creatures to them. Dan Jones has written a lot of books. He also recently started getting into writing fiction too, if I remember correctly!

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