Category: The Chemical Garden

Review: Sever by Lauren DeStefano

Review: Sever by Lauren DeStefano

Title: Sever Author: Lauren DeStefano Series: The Chemical Garden #3 Publication: February 12th 2013 by Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers Genre: Young Adul ~ Dystopian Format: Paperback, 371 pages Cover Rating: 5/5 Overal Rating: 4/5 With the clock ticking until the virus takes its toll, Rhine is desperate for answers. After enduring Vaughn’s worst, […]

Book Review: Fever by Lauren DeStefano

Book Review: Fever by Lauren DeStefano

Title: Fever Author: Lauren DeStefano Series: The Chemical Garden Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Genre: Young Adult, Dystopia Format: Paperback, 341 pages Published: February 21st 2012 My rating: 5/5 Summary (from goodreads): Rhine and Gabriel have escaped the mansion, but danger is never far behind. Running away brings Rhine and Gabriel right into a […]