Month: April 2018

Review: The Boy and His Ribbon by Pepper Winters

Review: The Boy and His Ribbon by Pepper Winters

Title: The Boy and His RibbonAuthor: Pepper WintersSeries: The Ribbon Duet #1Publication: April 3rd 2018 Genre: Coming of Age RomancePurchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Google Play | iBooks | Kobo Rating: 3/5 “What do you do when you meet your soul mate? No wait…that’s too easy. What do you do when you meet your soul mate and have […]

Can’t-Wait Wednesday: From Unseen Fire by Cass Morris

Can’t-Wait Wednesday: From Unseen Fire by Cass Morris

Posted April 4, 2018 by Stephanie in can't-wait wednesday / 22 Comments

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and talk about the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. It’s based on Waiting On Wednesday hosted at Breaking the Spine. From Unseen Fire by Cass Morris Expected publication: April 17th 2018 by Daw Books The Dictator is dead; long live the Republic. […]

Release Day Launch — My Dear Hamilton by Stephanie Dray & Laura Kamoie + Giveaway (US/CA)

Release Day Launch — My Dear Hamilton by Stephanie Dray & Laura Kamoie + Giveaway (US/CA)

Hey guys!  My highest anticipated book of 2018 is finally released today. I’ve been looking forward to this day for so long so I’m super excited and I absolutely can’t wait to read My Dear Hamilton soon! ♥ ~~~ Wife, Widow, and Warrior in Alexander Hamilton’s Quest for a More Perfect Union From the New York […]

New Releases — April 2018

New Releases — April 2018

Posted April 2, 2018 by Stephanie in April 2018, New Releases / 11 Comments

I can’t believe how many amazing books are releasing in April! I’m most looking forward to reading My Dear Hamilton. I’ve been waiting on it since I read America’s First Daughter so I’m really thrilled it’s releasing tomorrow.  And a book I just discovered, From Unseen Fire, is definitely one I’ll have to read as well. […]

Monthly Wrap-Up — March 2018

Monthly Wrap-Up — March 2018

Posted April 1, 2018 by Stephanie in monthly wrap up / 8 Comments

Hello and Happy Easter!  It’s kind of hard to believe it’s already April (and Easter.) I feel like it was just the start of the new year, I blinked, and now we’re already in the fourth month. Anyway, in March I didn’t read as many books as I usually do but I do think I […]