Category: Historical Fiction

Review: Knight of My Dreams by Lynsay Sands

Review: Knight of My Dreams by Lynsay Sands

Title: Knight of My Dreams Author: Lynsay Sands Publication: April 29th 2014 by Avon Genre: Historical Fiction ~ Adult Cover Rating: 4/5 Overall Rating: 5/5 Review copy provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review.   Originally appeared in the print anthology A Mother’s Way, under the title “Mother May I?” From New York Times […]

Review: House of Bathory by Linda Lafferty

Review: House of Bathory by Linda Lafferty

Title: House of Bathory Author: Linda Lafferty Publication: January 7th 2014 Genre: Historical Fiction Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository Cover Rating: 3/5 Overall Rating: 5/5 Review copy provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review. In the early 1600s, Elizabeth Báthory, the infamous Blood Countess, ruled Čachtice Castle in the hinterlands of Slovakia. […]

Review: Daughter of the Sky by Michelle Diener

Review: Daughter of the Sky by Michelle Diener

Title: Daughter of the Sky Author: Michelle Diener Publication: March 1st 2013 Genre: Historical Fiction Format: Kindle edition, 342 pages Purchase: Amazon | B&N | Book Depository  Cover Rating: 4/5 Overall Rating: 5/5     The Victorian Empire has declared war on the Zulus if they don’t accede to their outrageous demands. The clock is ticking down […]

Review: Banquet of Lies by Michelle Diener

Review: Banquet of Lies by Michelle Diener

Title: Banquet of Lies Author: Michelle Diener Publication: October 20th 2013 by Gallery Books Genre: Historical Fiction Format: e-arc Cover Rating: 5/5 Overall Rating: 5/5 e-Arc provided in exchange for an honest review.     A young noblewoman flees to London and poses as a servant to evade a murderer in this richly detailed and “compelling” (Publishers […]

Review: In Defense of the Queen by Michelle Diener

Review: In Defense of the Queen by Michelle Diener

Title: In Defense of the Queen Author: Michelle Diener Series: Susanna Horenbout and John Parker #3 Publication: August 1st 2013 Genre: Historical Fiction Format: e-arc Cover Rating: 4/5 Overall Rating: 5/5 eCopy provided in exchange for an honest review.     An artist never betrays her patron . . . especially one of the world’s most powerful […]

Review: Keeper of the King’s Secrets by Michelle Diener

Review: Keeper of the King’s Secrets by Michelle Diener

Title: Keeper of the King’s Secrets  Author: Michelle Diener Series: Susanna Horenbout and John Parker #2 Publication: April 3rd 2012 by Gallery Books Genre: Historical Fiction Format: Paperback, 286 pages Cover Rating: 5/5 Overal Rating: 5/5 Copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.     A priceless jewel. A royal court rife with […]