My Quote of the Week is a weekly memes hosted by Paranormal Book Fan where you can feature your favorite quotes.
My quote of this week comes from:
Haunting Violet by Alyxandra Harvey
~ Tucking my nose into a book makes me completely oblivious to my surroundings. I would have made a terrible spy in the army–the first person to hand me a novel would have been able to shoot my head clean off without me noticing. ~
I so love this quote <3 It reminds me of me when I have a great book in my hands 😛 🙂 The moment is so priceless 🙂
I noticed that a lot of girls in Alyxandra Harvey's books love reading, just like Alyxandra herself.
Thats totally how I am when I read I get so into it that I don't even notice if anyone comes in to the room and I get the crapped scared out of me.I haven't read her yet but I have heard good things 🙂
Alyxandra Harvey is amazing!