Author Interview with Steven Nedelton

Posted June 9, 2012 by Stephanie in 2012 Author Interview, Author interview, Steven Nedelton / 11 Comments

Today I have an interview for you all with Steven Nedelton, author of Crossroads, Tunnel/The Lost Diary, The Raven Affair and others.
Enjoy! 😀

S: Stephanie
SN: Steven Nedelton

S: Welcom to Bookfever, Steven! Thanks for
doing this interview with me today!
To start off… please tell us a little bit
about yourself and your books.
Who or what inspired you to become a

SN: Thanks for this interview, Stephanie.
I was introduced to books by one of my
  I was ten or so and my first book
birthday present) was Tom Sawyer.  So, I guess, Mark Twain and my aunt (not the
favorite one!) were the culprits. Then, a school friend of mine started a
‘pirate book’ and so the two of us began scribbling together. We were very
competitive and judgmental at it, I remember that much. That escapade did not
last for too long though and soon our writing was forgotten and replaced by
I got my first paranormal short story
finalized and submitted to a newspaper some time in my early twenties. I recall
the editor writing me a positive response.
He liked it, but I don’t think it was published. Paranormal was not all
that popular, he explained in his letter to me.
I began thinking about writing again back
in 2002, while on a job in Arizona. I was inspired by a lengthy article in one
of the papers about paranormal applications in covert work. I did a lot of
Internet searching and completed my first novel in 2008.
Crossroads was published in 2009 and The Raven Affair in 2010, both by a small publishing company.  In 2011, after my publisher retired, I
republished the two novels myself and went independent.
Fear! was my next novel, quite liked by the Midwest Book Review. It
received a five-star rating (like
and the MBR Journal placed it on its five-year watch list. I received a special
written recognition for that book.
  Tunnel/The Lost Diary and Coma Sins/The Madness of Ben Bluman
followed next.

S: Which characters (from any of your books)
have you enjoyed writing the most?

SN: I don’t have favorite characters, it’s more
the story as a whole, the idea, that I enjoy writing about.
  I try to develop them all equally – the bad
and the good – but occasionally the least liked one might appear to be best
portrayed. For example, Sokolov in
is better described than the rest of the protagonists because he is more evil
than the rest. The two priests in
Raven Affair
are also well developed, although they are not the principal
characters in that book.

S: Who or what was your inspiration for your
latest book?

SN: My latest novel, Coma Sins/The Madness of Ben Bluman, was inspired partly by the
Shutter Island and Leonardo Di
Caprio’s acting. I had never written a real ‘noir’ before and thought of that
movie idea as a good starting point. I got together with another writer, Joe
Parente, and we wrote a pretty good novel, according to several readers, one of
them being my favorite editor and a great story teller, Valerie Byron. Of
Coma Sins was completely
different from
Shutter Island.

S: What’s next for you? Are you working on a
new book?

SN: Not yet. My greatest obstacle right now is
marketing my novels. I need to get a decent following of faithful readers
before I begin writing my next book. The hardest part in the life of any writer
is getting a good publisher. By that I mean someone capable of spending time
seriously on book promotions. And these days, it’s next to impossible to get a
big publisher. Small and medium sized companies do not promote their books—not
I was asked by several readers to continue
with sequels for
Tunnel/The Lost Diary
The Raven Affair. Both books need
a continuation, so I am not sure which one will be the first ‘Part Two.’ I
might end up with a completely new novel, even genre.

S: Where is your favorite place for writing?

SN: My favorite place for writing is my round
table in my ‘day room’ area. But the actual ‘conception location,’ the ‘ideas
area’ is my bedroom. Funny, but the best ideas come to me just before I fall
asleep. I strive to remember them for the next morning’s session, but I
invariably fail to write them down and forget them.

S: Which author would you love to co-author a
book with someday?

SN: I used to like Grisham but his stories
became so ‘law’ oriented, so similar in their genre, that I am not attracted to
his writing all that much anymore. I don’t really know; maybe Grisham would
still be the most interesting partner, but, of course, it’d be just a dream.

S: Do you experience writer’s block? If so,
what do you do?

SN: I am not sure what a real ‘writer’s block’
is. It could be a temporary exhaustion from all that work or just a lack of
good ideas. In my writing, my mood governs my abilities as a writer. If I am in
a good mood for writing, I’ll do it—no ‘blocks.’ If I am in a bad mood, no idea
will me make write. So, if in trouble with my work, I try to wait for a ‘better

S: Which authors influence you the most?

SN: A variety. I like thriller writers, the
good ones. But I’ve read other genres too and some of those writers influenced
me, I am sure. For example, I like
author, Chuck Palahniuk, for his creativity and the style of that
particular book. LeCarre, Forsyth, Hemingway were a few of my favorite authors
for a while.

S: What three books would you recommend
people to read?

SN: Tunnel/The
Lost diary, The Raven Affair
and Coma Sins/The Madness of Ben Bluman.
Those are mine, of course, and they are quite good. They do compare to the best
I’ve read in their genre. I would also recommend Valerie Byron’s  short stories and her latest novel, No Ordinary Woman, although she writes
in a completely different genre. And then, Fight
Club (yes, I liked its originality very much).

Before I forget it, please note that the
readers can find all my books on my website The site provides blurbs
on all my novels and is connected to the all the major book sellers.
Thanks again, Stephanie. My best and I hope
you’ll read me too, and soon,
Steven Nedelton 


11 responses to “Author Interview with Steven Nedelton

  1. "Funny, but the best ideas come to me just before I fall asleep. I strive to remember them for the next morning's session, but I invariably fail to write them down and forget them."

    It's funny too that, for me, my best ideas also come when I am almost falling asleep (and already shut down the computer), so I take a notebook and write down the ideas (or the draft of the story/article altogether) and then I suffer when trying to decipher what I wrote lol

  2. Shutter Island? Really? That movie was scary! Maybe a book is better than a movie……
    And the bedroom is a perfect place to read.

  3. Anonymous

    Some of my best story ideas come to me just before I go to sleep too!
    Usually, I'll get out of bed and write them down, because I know if I wait till morning, I'll forget 😀

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