Title: Blood Entangled
Author: Amber Belldene
Series: Blood Vine #1
Publication: July 23rd 2013 by Omnific Publishing
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Format: e-book from Amazon
Cover Rating: 5/5
Overall Rating: 5/5
KOS MARAS’s orderly life is in shambles—he must distribute Blood Vine to a population of ailing vampires, but Hunters block him at every turn. To make matters worse, each night he watches over a temptingly beautiful woman sleeping in his bed. He is convinced love cannot last a vampire-long lifetime and an entanglement will only cause them grief, but he doesn’t have the heart to send her away.
From a long line of blood servants, LENA ISAAKSON is destined to serve a vampire, but a string of humiliating rejections thwarts her pleasure. When Kos shows her kindness, she hopes he will claim her. Instead he proves himself a coward in the face of love and sends her to serve another.
Will the dark seduction of a rakish new vampire finally bring Lena the pleasure she desires or deliver her into the hands of Hunters who want to destroy everything the Maras family has worked for?
~My Thoughts:
After finishing the first book, I could only wait a few days before a gave in and bought the second book because the story was so stuck in my head, I was thinking about it a lot. I was so glad to be able to start the second book and be thrown back into this seductive world created by Amber Belldene.
Kos doesn’t believe love can last a lifetime for vampires because of what happened to his mother and Andre. But when he and Lena get closer and closer he finds it hard to send her away to another household but he knows he has to for both their sakes. Or so he thinks.
Lena wants to leave Andre’s household as fast as she can after all the rejections she got from him. But when she gets to know Kos more she realizes he’s the one who stirs feelings inside of her but then he sends her away to the dark Mason who has even darker tastes.
Blood Entangled is mostly about Kos and Lena. I loved how Amber spread the seeds for them in Blood Vine already so that their story wouldn’t come out of nowhere. I loved that.
I actually didn’t expect to like this book as much as I did the previous because I didn’t like Lena there but as a main character and reading her point of view I actually did like her. So surprising but great.
Kos I’ve always loved and he was even more amazing in this book. Although I was getting frustrated sometimes with him when he wouldn’t admit his true feelings for Lena and being kind of a coward about it, I did like him. He and Lena were perfection together!
Lena and Kos being what the story really is about, Pedro and Lucas took also a huge part of the book. And I’d be lying if I wasn’t secretly reading Blood Entangled exactly for them. I wanted to know where their story would go and, boy, it was so good! They’re definitely my favorite couple so far. I love how this book and the series doesn’t shy away from gay couples. More books should have this.
And as always the romantic scenes were scorching hot and sexy! Gotta love that.
Besides the usual characters, there were a few new and interesting ones. Gwen for example. Yeah, I did not like her. I mean, okay, she’s kind of screwed up because of Mason and she doesn’t know exactly how evil Ethan is but still… Then there’s Uta. She was awesome. The oldest vampire the gang knows and she kicks so much butt. And she reveals of lot of pretty shocking things that I didn’t see coming. I hope she’ll be in the next book too. I like her. Oh and Mason. What a sick fuck he is! I got such a bad vibe from him from the beginning. Poor Lena.
And as for Ethan… He’s still a motherfucking asshole. I found myself not liking reading his point of view. I really didn’t want to know what the “bad guy” was up to but it wasn’t as if it made the story bad. I just really dislike that guy. But overall the new characters (all of them and not only the ones I mentioned) were pretty good for the story.
If you’d ask me what book I like the best, the first or the second, I couldn’t really say because I like them both just as much. Amber Belldene is such a good writer that manages to suck me into the story and that’s hard to do. I need to be really hooked to like a book this much. So that says enough.
As for the next book, I’d love the story to be either about Pedro and Lucas or Bel. Bel would be an interesting character I think. There’s a lot of mystery around him and with everything that got revealed… Damn!
All in all, Blood Entangled by Amber Belldene was an awesome sequel to Blood Vine. Sexy vampires, sizzling hot romance and a lot of action. What more does a reader need?
Amber Belldene grew up on the Florida panhandle, swimming with alligators, climbing oak trees and diving for scallops…when she could pull herself away from a book. As a child, she hid her Nancy Drew novels inside the church bulletin and read mysteries during sermons—an irony that is not lost on her when she preaches these days.
Amber is an Episcopal Priest and student of religion. She believes stories are the best way to explore human truths. Some people think it is strange for a minister to write romance, but it is perfectly natural to her, because the human desire for love is at the heart of every romance novel and God made people with that desire. She lives with her husband and two children in San Francisco.
Stephanie, thank you so much for this review! It's such a pleasure to have someone fall in love with your books and really get you as an author! Thank you!
No problem! I really loved reading both this and the first book! 😀