Christmas Giveaway! Win a signed copy of My Name is Rapunzel by K.C. Hilton! (INT)

Posted December 24, 2013 by Stephanie in Giveaway, K.C. Hilton, Signed Copy / 44 Comments

Merry Christmas!

Today I have yet another giveaway for you all. 
This will be the last one of December and the year 2013.
To close up this crazy giveaway month I will be giving a signed copy of My Name is Rapunzel by K.C. Hilton away + Swag!
Again, a huge thank you to K.C. Hilton for donating!

Before we go on to the giveaway here’s some cute holiday pictures!

And now for the giveaway!

What can you win?

One winner will get:

 a signed copy of My Name is Rapunzel by K.C. Hilton 
and Swag (1 bookmark and postcard) + 4 surprise bookmarks!

The other four winners will each get:

One bookmark of My Name is Rapunzel!

Open INT!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

44 responses to “Christmas Giveaway! Win a signed copy of My Name is Rapunzel by K.C. Hilton! (INT)

  1. I just have to laugh! My nickname is Rapunzel. I have long hair down to my knees that is strawberry blonde and I work the Renaissance Faires. Many years ago while I was working in a booth with my hair on the other side of the a short wall a young girl of about 4yr came up behind me. All I heard at first was a very soft little voice saying "Excuse Me, Are you Rapunzel?" I was a little surprised at the questions. So, not see in the harm in it, I said Why Yes I am! I had an hour or so conversation with the young girl about my life as Rapunzel and what I have been up to and where the prince is now. It was I think the best conversation I have ever had. Now everyone calls me that as a matter of fact without joking. I can't wait to read what my name sake has been up to now. I just got to love it. Thanks you and Happy Holidays.

    Judy Peterson

  2. This cover is gorgeous! Since I was little Rapunzel has always been my favorite fairy tale and sadly I haven't read any retelling of this story. Thank you so much for the giveaway! 🙂
    (I want that rabbit in the picture. It's so cute!) 🙂

  3. Lately I've really read some great fairytale retellings so I'm also looking for new books to read in this genre. Also, the cover for this book is gorgeous

  4. I have always been interested in folklore and mythology and I really like Rapunzel's story. I am always happy to read adaptations of popular, classic stories. I think fairytale retellings are always fun to read.

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