Feature & Follow #58

Posted April 11, 2014 by Stephanie in Feature and Follow / 6 Comments

Feature & Follow is a weekly meme hosted on friday by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read to gain new followers and make new friends!

This week’s question:

Tell us about a book that you didn’t like and why we shouldn’t read it…nicely.

Ah… so many books I could pick for this question. But the first one coming to mind is this one:

The Elite (The Selection #2) by Kiera Cass

I actually loved the first book, The Selection, and then I started the second book and it was a disaster in my opinion. Nothing happened. Literally. At the end, America (main character) was in exactly the same position as she was before. Also there is not a single character that I actually like anymore. Not America or Aspen or Maxon. Nope.
So I would definitely not recommend this book. But I do plan on reading the last one, because I want to know how it’s going to end.

Leave me links to your FF post!

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