Review: Incanta – Soul-Catcher by Avie Adams

Posted June 4, 2017 by Stephanie in 4.5 stars, avie adams, Dark, Fantasy, Incanta-soul-catcher, Lost souls, Review / 2 Comments

Title: Incanta – Soul-Catcher
Author: Avie Adams
Series: Lost Souls #1
Publication: November 13th 2014

Genre: Dark Fantasy
Purchase (FREE): Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

Rating: 4.5/5

Darkness rules her life. A pitiless man wants her body. A Daemon craves her heart.
Cytriah is a talented soul-catcher – her songs can enslave souls in dead bodies.
It’s not a gift, or a curse.
It’s what’s expected of girls born on Daemon-controlled Malvaar Island, where failure is punishable with the worst any woman can fear.
Whilst Cytriah strives to join the elite of soul-catchers, a chilling secret from her past rips her life apart. Trapped between dangerous men, she’s left with one choice: to pact with a Daemon.
It is forbidden.
And it may bring her something far worse than death…

If you’re looking for complex, character-driven dark fantasy with a strong heroine, twists, thorny romance, and black magic, download “Incanta” today.

When I started Incanta – Soul-Catcher I wasn’t really sure what I was getting into. And I wasn’t actually sure what was going on at first, either. It took me a few chapters to really grasp it all, which is why I gave it 4.5 stars instead of the full 5. But the more I read about the complex and intricate world of Daemon-controlled Malvaar Island, the more engaged and fascinated I became with it. This story was so unqiue, so special. It’s a top favorite of mine now.

What struck me instantly, though, was the beautiful and lyrical writing. I practically devoured the pages because of this. Also, the world-building was very much on point for me. I loved it all!

As for the characters... I really like the main character, Cytriah. I really felt bad for everything that was happening to her and what had happened to her in the past. She wasn't perfect. She makes some bad decisions, though she means well, and is flawed but that's kind of why I liked her so much.  

I was also surprised by the character of Almond. At first I didn't expect him to be a major character in the story, for some odd reason. But I absolutely loved his relationship with Cytriah and how it slowly morphed into something more. 

Overall, Incanta - Soul-Catcher by Avia Adams has got to be one of the biggest surprises of the year for me. It took me a little while to really get into the story but once I did I barely could put the book down. It was such a captivating story and deliciously dark. I would very highly recommend it.

At school, Avie busied herself with drawing comics about escaping school. It wasn’t an option, of course.
So she’d escape into reading. Her first reads were pure fantasy: fairy tales, preferably ambiguous, as well as myths from around the world and pretty much anything with a dark fantasy element in it.
She never thought she would write, but creating living and breathing dark worlds was too much of a temptation.
For artwork and updates visit

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