A small book haul this week. As always on friday I got two free Hourly History books (you can get them too if you sign up for their newsletter) and two books for review. The Murderer’s Maid is for the blog tour with Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours. Looking forward to that!
Suleiman the Magnificent: A Life From Beginning to End by Hourly History
(still free on Amazon)
Caligula: A Life From Beginning to End by Hourly History
(still free on Amazon)
For Review:
Inkmistress by Audrey Coulthurst
Inkmistress by Audrey Coulthurst
The Murderer’s Maid by Erika Mailman
Which of these books do you think look interesting? Let me know your thoughts.
Have a great weekend, everyone! ♥
You have an awesome line up of books! Thanks for sharing!
I'm pretty happy with them. ^_^
What are Hourly History books? I feel like I am missing out on so much by not reading e-books!
Short books of about 30-40 pages that are about different people or events in history. Some are pretty good and they can be so easily read. I love them and a lot of them are free.
Oh I saw that Inkmistress was on Edelweiss! I have so many books to get through so I haven't downloaded many of the Harper Winter '18 books, but I'm curious about that one. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!
Have a great weekend, Stephanie. =)
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
The Inkmistress looks and sounds really good. I hadn't heard of that one before today, but it sounds like one I would enjoy.
I will have to check out Hourly History. Have a great weekend, Stephanie! Enjoy your new books. 🙂
Lots of great books you have here! Inkmistress sounds really interesting!
Here’s my Stacking the Shelves!
Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog
The Murderer's Maid look so interesting. I'm curious about what you think of it. I hope you enjoy all of these new books and have a wonderful week. Happy reading. 🙂
I've seen this box somehwere already! It looks so exciting, actually. I think they did very well with the topic, didn't they?
And that sleeping mask is soooo adorable! I don't have words for that tea strainer. All I know is that I want one. Oh my gosh, a Northern Lights postcard even.. I soooo want that box right now. I pretty much want it as a gift for my boyfriend even, cause I know he would adore those things so much! He's a big fan of Pullman, and that tea strainer is just something else!
I've been getting so many new books lately! Inkmistress sounds pretty intriguing 😀
You'll have to tell me about Inkmistress. I didn't like the author's first book, but I'm still super curious!
Inkmistress by Audrey Coulthurst looks interesting. And, I'm curious about the headdress on the cover of Suleiman the Magnificent: A Life From Beginning to End. 😀
Lonna @ FLYLēF