Blogging Break (Last Update)

Posted November 2, 2017 by Stephanie in Uncategorized / 9 Comments

Hi again, everyone.

I already posted two updates before but this will be the last one for now. I’m not doing so well at the moment. I’ve been to the hospital’s ER twice in less than a week because I’ve been in too much pain but they haven’t been able to help me much or figure out what’s wrong. So I don’t know when I’ll be going back to blogging. Just wanted to let you all know this.



9 responses to “Blogging Break (Last Update)

  1. I came over to see if you had posted your "Can't Wait Wednesday" post, and saw this…. It's the first I hear that you're not feeling well, Steph. I am so sorry to hear that!

    In one of your previous updates, you mentioned a bladder infection. I sure hope the doctors come up with a solution QUICK!! Sending you lots of love, and I'm also praying that you'll feel better soon, so we can continue to read your WONDERFUL posts!! LOTSA HUGS!!!!! <3 <3 <3 🙂 🙂 🙂

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