Book Beginnings | The Friday 56: The Demon Race by Alexandria Warwick

Posted August 17, 2018 by Stephanie in Uncategorized / 15 Comments

 Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. 

The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice
Grab a book, any book. Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader. Find any sentence, (or few, just don’t spoil it) and post it.

Book Beginning:

It was night. A cold wind howled through the narrow window chiseled into the western wall, salt and sand and hints of a sun long gone having blown in from the sparse, skeletal land.

Friday 56: 

His shoulders slumped. “I don’t know what the future holds. I don’t even know if we’ll survive the end of the race. But I do know I care about you, and I won’t leave you here to make a choice you will regret.

So I’m REALLY enjoying this book. I’m a little over 50% in now and I can’t think of anything that I’m disliking so far. I certainly hope it’s going to stay like this. I’m loving the main character ‘Namali’ because she’s learning to say no and standing up for herself, finally making her own decisions for her life. I love that! 

There’s also a blog tour coming up for this book in which I am participating. My stop is September 6th so be sure to keep an eye open for it. It’s going to be so much fun!

About the book:

A race across the desert.

An unimaginable prize.

It occurs once every thousand years: the Demon Race. A test of will and strength, it is a race across the Saraj, a fight for the prize of a lifetime. And it is the key to Namali Hafshar’s freedom.

When shy, seventeen-year-old Namali learns of her arranged marriage, she flees home and enters the Demon Race for the chance to change her fate. But to compete, she must cross the Saraj on a daeva, a shadow demon that desires its own reward: to infect her soul with darkness.

Namali soon learns the desert holds more dangers than meets the eye. The only person she can trust is Sameen, a kind competitor seeking his own destiny. As her affection for him grows, however, so too does the darkness in her heart.

In this race of men and demons, only one can win. But the price of winning might be more than Namali is willing to pay.

What do you think of these quotes?

Also feel free to leave a link to your post if you participate in either one so I can visit you! ♥

15 responses to “Book Beginnings | The Friday 56: The Demon Race by Alexandria Warwick

  1. The Candid Cover YA book blogg

    This does sound like a really different and interesting kind of read. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. 🙂

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