Can’t-Wait Wednesday: Doctor Who: Twelve Angels Weeping by Dave Rudden

Posted September 19, 2018 by Stephanie in Uncategorized / 18 Comments

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and talk about the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. It’s based on Waiting On Wednesday hosted at Breaking the Spine.

Doctor Who: Twelve Angels Weeping: Twelve stories of the villains from Doctor Who by Dave Rudden
Expected publication: October 11th 2018 by BBC Children’s Books

Twelve extraordinary Doctor Who stories, each featuring a monstrous villain from the Doctor Who world.

On every planet that has existed or will exist, there is a winter . . .

Many of the peoples of Old Earth celebrated a winter festival. A time to huddle together against the cold; a time to celebrate being half-way out of the dark.

But shadows are everywhere, and there are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things, lurking in the cold between the stars.

Here are twelve stories – one for each of the Twelve Days of Christmas – to remind you that to come out of the darkness we need to go into it in the first place.

We are not alone. We are not safe. And, whatever you do: don’t blink.

Written by popular children’s author, and lifelong Doctor Who fan, Dave Rudden.

I’m a huge Doctor Who fan so I absolutely need need this book. It contains twelve stories each about a Doctor Who villain. I think it’ll be perfect for both Halloween and Christmas. Also, it releases a couple of days after season 11 of Doctor Who will begin (with Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor!) so that makes it even better. I can’t wait to read it!

Share your thoughts!
What do you think of this title?
Are you also a Doctor Who fan as well?
Who or what is your favorite Doctor Who villain? 

18 responses to “Can’t-Wait Wednesday: Doctor Who: Twelve Angels Weeping by Dave Rudden

  1. I always love reading about villains, but I confess I'm not into Doctor Who . . . Still, I know you love it and that is why I honestly hope you are going to have a real blast with this book! 😀

    Thanks for sharing, here's my WoW!

  2. literaryfeline

    Oh, yes! This sounds so good! The title alone won me over. I love Doctor Who and any excuse to spend more time in his world … Thank you for bringing this one to my attention. Have a great day!

  3. Greg Hill

    Can you believe I've never seen Dr. Who? Well I've seen a few snippets, but I really need to get with it! So many people seem to love the show. This anthology sounds great.

  4. The Candid Cover YA book blogg

    I've watched a few Dr. Who episodes and I don't know why I haven't jumped right in and watched them all. This sounds like the ultimate book for any true fan. I hope that you love it! 🙂

  5. Oh, Steph, I'm SO sorry I haven't been returning comments…. I'm trying to catch up, so I PROMISE I'll be back!!

    I have never watched a "Doctor Who" episode, would you believe? As a HUGE science fiction fan, I really should start to check them out! So I'm going to see if I can. Unfortunately, I don't have Netflix, but there must be some other channel I can find them on.

    LOVE this cover, btw! Very interesting design! And the stories inside sound GREAT!

    Thanks for featuring this book! I'm adding it to my Goodreads shelves!! HUGS!!! <3 🙂

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