Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag 2023

Posted July 3, 2023 by Stephanie in mid year freak out book tag / 13 Comments

Welcome to the Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag, co-created by Ely @ Earl Grey Books and Chami @ Read Like Wildfire. Let’s freak out, shall we…



Best books you’ve read so far

As usual I have a hard time picking just one favorite book so I narrowed it down to my three favorites. A historical romance, mythological nonfiction and historical nonfiction.

Sea of Ruin | Women of Myth | Messalina


New release you haven’t read yet, but want to

This has got to be one of the most hyped books of the year so of course I want to read it. DRAGONS!

Fourth Wing


Most anticipated release for the second half of the year

This trilogy is my favorite of the last 3-ish years so I’ll be very sad to see it ending but I’m also super excited to read the conclusion.

The Temple of Fortuna by Elodie Harper


Biggest disappointment

Everything about this book screams ‘my kinda read’ and the focus on colonialism is a really good thing. Unforunately I ended up not liking it a lot due to the flat characters and the slow pace of the story.

Babel: An Arcane History


Biggest surprise

This is a thriller in Dutch by a Belgian author and I loved it so much. I’ve been reading more books in my language this year and I’ve been highly enjoying it.

De Engelenmoord


Favorite new author (debut or new to you)

This is a retelling about Morgan le Fay’s early life from the Arthurian stories and it was amazing. Highly recommend!

Morgan Is My Name


Newest fictional crush

I was already kind of crushing on Jacks in the Caraval books but that crush only grew with this one!

Once Upon a Broken Heart


Newest favorite character

Suren a.k.a. Wren is definitely one of my most favorite new characters. And I’m so excited to see where book two will go for her.

The Stolen Heir


Book that made you cry

I’m not a person who cries often with books so I’m going for one where the ending has me rather sad. But it was still an amazing novella!

Signal Moon


Books that made you happy

Reading about animals in the ancient Roman world will always make me extremely happy!

Battle Elephants & Flaming Foxes


Most beautiful book you’ve bought or received so far this year

Second time featuring this book on this post but it’s so worth it. It had gorgeous illustrations featuring women from world mythology and it was written by the host of one of my favorite podcasts, Ancient History Fangirl. Instant hit for me!

Women of Myth


Which books do you need to read by the end of the year

I hope by posting these books here that I’ll manifest them being read by the end of the year.

Stone Blind | A Rogue’s Rules for Seduction | Chain of Thorns



How is your reading year going?
Have you read any of the books I featured?



13 responses to “Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag 2023

  1. Yay! So fun to see this tag appear on all the blogs! I had fun reading your answers, looks like you had a fab first half of the year with some amazing looking books! I really need to check out Messelina/Women of Myth. I also hope that you are able to read the books you want to read~ Have a great second-half of the year.

  2. This is fun! I wonder if I should try to do this on my blog. It would be a good time to review what I’ve read so far, especially since I’m not even sure right now. LOL

    I’ve heard so many things about Fourth Wing. I want to read that one too. I’ve been really curious about Babel and am sorry it didn’t work for you. It looks like you’ve read some great books so far this year. I feel like I’ve barely read anything, but I know that’s not true.

    I hope you have a great second half of the year!

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