Nonfiction November 2023: Choosing Nonfiction

Posted November 6, 2023 by Stephanie in Nonfiction, nonfiction november, nonfiction november 2023 / 17 Comments

Nonfiction November is hosted by Based on a True StoryVolatile RuneAdventures in Reading Running and Working from HomeShe Seeks Nonfiction and Hopewell’s Public Library of Life.



Choosing Nonfiction

What are you looking for when you pick up a nonfiction book? Do you have a particular topic you’re attracted to? Do you have a particular writing style that works best? When you look at a nonfiction book, does the title or cover influence you? If so, share a title or cover which you find striking.



As a huge history nerd I’m always more attracted to historical nonfiction books, especially if it goes into ancient history. I’ve always been intrigued (obsessed???) with ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome so I can’t read enough books with these topics. Three authors I would highly recommend and that are actually easily readable are Kara Cooney, Paul Cartledge and Barry Strauss. Especially Strauss’ books are very readable!

When Women Ruled the World | Thebes | The War That Made the Roman Empire


I do like to branch out every now and then. And when I do it’s usually in the genres of self-help, memoir and true crime. Here are some of my favorites in those genres. Dader Onbekend (if I translate the title in English it is called Perpetrator Unknown) is a book in Dutch by a Belgian author. It goes into using the Y-chromosone to use unsolved murder cases.

What Your Soul Already Knows | I’m Glad My Mom Died | Dader Onbekend


Covers definitely influence me when picking what books I plan on reading next. I think every reader gets influenced by covers occasionally. Here are some covers that caught my eye in the past.

The Map of Knowledge | Antigone Rising | How Far the Light Reaches



Have you read any of the books I mentioned?
What kind of nonfiction are you drawn to? Do you get influenced by certain covers?


17 responses to “Nonfiction November 2023: Choosing Nonfiction

  1. There’s some big titles here. I haven’t read any of these but they look intriguing. The Jennette McCurdy one looks interesting. Thanks so much for taking part Stephanie.

  2. I was watching Hank Green’s World History Crash Course class and became obsessed with The Mongols. I had forgotten I even had that book (The Horde) until I read your post! Thanks for that.

    I love historical nonfiction too!

  3. I’m not particularly drawn to covers, but a good cover can lure me in. “What Your Soul Already Knows” is pulling me in from your list. I keep hearing about “I’m Glad My Mom Died,” but I’ve been hesitant to read it since I am a mom and I don’t want my kids to feel that way about me one day. 🙂

    • I was hesitant about I’m Glad My Mom Died too but it was really good, in a sad way of course because she went through a lot with her mother. I’d recommend it.

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