Monthly Wrap-Up: December 2023

Posted December 30, 2023 by Stephanie in monthly wrap up / 5 Comments

Last wrap-up of the year (howwwww?!) December was not the best month for reading. But to be fair, Iron Flame was a pretty chunky book so I was busy with that one for most of the month. It also ended up being my favorite of the month. I did manage to start my reread of the Throne of Glass series in audio which I’m really excited to continue in the new year.



Books read in October: 4
physical books: 1
e-books: 0
audiobooks: 3
rereads: 1


The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas — 4/5★
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas — 3/5★


Turning Points in Medieval History by Dorsey Armstrong — 4/5★
Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros — 4/5★



Have you read any of these books?
What was your favorite book of the month?


5 responses to “Monthly Wrap-Up: December 2023

  1. I didn’t read a ton this month, either, and only managed to slip a couple short ones in at the end! I can’t believe the year is over already, too!

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