Category: the friday 56

First Line Friday & The Friday 56: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World by Bettany Hughes

First Line Friday & The Friday 56: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World by Bettany Hughes

Posted February 2, 2024 by Stephanie in First Line Friday, the friday 56 / 11 Comments

First Line Friday is hosted by Carrie @ Reading Is My Superpower. The Friday 56 is hosted by Anne @ My Head is Full of Books while Freda @ Freda’s Voice is on hiatus. —     FIRST LINE FRIDAY where each week we share the first line of our current read(s) In 1303 CE a monstrous earthquake ripped through the Eastern […]

First Line Friday & The Friday 56: Becoming Madam Secretary by Stephanie Dray

First Line Friday & The Friday 56: Becoming Madam Secretary by Stephanie Dray

Posted January 26, 2024 by Stephanie in First Line Friday, the friday 56 / 18 Comments

First Line Friday is hosted by Carrie @ Reading Is My Superpower. The Friday 56 is hosted by Anne @ My Head is Full of Books while Freda @ Freda’s Voice is on hiatus. —     FIRST LINE FRIDAY where each week we share the first line of our current read(s) The American experiment was over, they said.   THE FRIDAY […]