Monthly Wrap-Up: September 2023

Posted September 30, 2023 by Stephanie in monthly wrap up / 3 Comments

Hi everyone!

This month I finally got my reading mojo back after a horrible month of August. I even read and listened to a couple of books in Dutch. September went pretty fast for me and I’m so happy it’s almost October because I’ll have a spooky TBR and I can’t wait to read them. Happy reading!






Books read in August: 12
physical books: 5
e-books: 1
audiobooks: 6
rereads: 1


Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer — 5/5★
Ticket Out by Michelle Diener — 4/5★ (my review)


Elektra by Jennifer Saint — 5/5★ (my review)
Weyward by Emilia Hart — 4/5★ (my review)


De Roadtrip Moordclub – Deel 1 by Anna Bertens — 1/5★
True crime: Britse seriemoordenaars – Ian Brady & Myra Hindley by Lone Theils — 3/5★


Cruel Seduction by Katee Robert — 4/5★
Creation Stories of the Ancient World by Joseph Lam — 4/5★


Origins of Great Ancient Civilizations by Kenneth W. Harl — 4/5★
Passchendaele: Operatie rode modder by Michiel Janzen — 4/5★ (my review)


Ancient Female Rulers: Women Who Ruled the World by Kara Cooney — 4/5★
Hou van Mij! by Anja Feliers — 3/5★




Have you read any of these books?
What was your favorite book of the month?


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